If you’re reading this then chances are… you’re probably an artist, musician, producer, beat maker, manager, entertainer or someone who is involved or interested in the music business and entertainment industry… or just a fan of music and media!

StreetWave Media
StreetWave Media, LLC is an online media magazine and music blog designed to give currently active or upcoming and aspiring independent artists, musicians and entertainers another platform on the internet to share their hard work, gain exposure and grow as an indie… All music genres welcome!
The site is also developed for the music lovers and fans of new, undiscovered and independent music and entertainment talents.
As you explore the StreetWave Media site, you will notice that we created a smooth but simple design to navigate through. We did not want to overload or clutter the site with annoying ads and flashy widgets that would slow down the site or distract our viewers. We are constantly adding, updating and finding ways to improve!
The platform consists of music placements, music reviews, exclusive artist and band interviews, video streams, along with some Resources that provide business tips, tricks and the secrets. The competition is heavy and we are well aware there are thousands of other music and media blogs out there and even though, the StreetWave Media blog and website is in the premature stages, we foresee and intend for this thing to grow bigger and develop into a massive machine in the media world… We decided to officially launch this website on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019… ENJOY THE SITE! 🙂
Follow us on Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/StreetWaveMedia
Follow us on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/StreetWaveMedia
Join us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/StreetWaveMag
If you or know of anyone interested in featuring on the StreetWave Media website… we offer music video placements, music reviews, questionnaire interviews and exposure opportunities for a fairly cheap price through the Fiverr.com website. We will be providing a PayPal option soon. More details below…
For Basic Music Video Placements on our site – See details and place your order through our services on Fiverr @ https://www.fiverr.com/share/Zbmbk
Have your Music Video reviewed and posted on our website. Check out our current REVIEWS for reference – See details & Place your order through our services on Fiverr @ https://www.fiverr.com/share/8zd6jE
Interested in an Exclusive Interview (Q&A style) with us and have it posted on our website. Check out our current INTERVIEWS for reference – See details & Place your order through our services on Fiverr @ https://www.fiverr.com/share/4E2xy